The Magic Cellar

"San Francisco Magic, Art & Music"

I am excited about this poster that will be adorning the walls of the Marrakech Magic Theater.

It has a special meaning to me because it mixes many things I love into one poster.

First, it was drawn by cartoonist R CRUMB who in the 1960s was one of the first people to draw cartoons with adult content when people believed that comics were for children. His popular characters included countercultural icons Fritz the Cat, Mr. Natural, and the Keep On Truckin' strip.

A documentary about his life had a soundtrack with music by Craig Ventresco. When I moved to San Francisco, Craig would street perform in front of Haight Street Music with washboard-percussionist Pete Devine, and bassist Marty Eggers. They played incredible ragtime music as Bo Grumpus. I loved seeing other people my age playing Ragtime.

The venue on the poster was the first magic nightclub in San Francisco. The Magic Cellar was in the basement of "Earthquake McGoon's" jazz nightclub in the 70s and stored the collection of the great illusionist Carter the Great. Some of those original Carter posters hang in the Marrakech Magic Theater today.

The poster above says, "Plus: Magician Martin Lewis." Martin is one of my favorite comedy magicians. In high school, I saw him perform a routine that is probably the most fun and incredible magic trick I have ever seen.

See the poster collection at the Marrakech Magic Theater’s San Francisco Magic Museum.